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How businesses can adopt initiatives in unstable operating environment

Jun 23, 2023

3rd August 2023

By Merit Ibe, [email protected]

The role of assertive initiative in business operations cannot be over emphasised, given its capacity to boost entrepreneurs and other forms of businesses to maximise profit which invariably translate to national development.

As an executive who leads multi- million Naira organisation, Momah, a physician – turned author, in his book Assertive Initiative (AI), challenged business owners to learn assertiveness and use the initiative in their dealings instead of being caught in the web of dilly-dally.

In this interview, he explains how businesses and corporate leaders can adopt / apply AI in a rapidly- changing but turbulent business environment if they must succeed.


The book AI, The secret to long standing and literally immutable projects or companies are strong foundations founded on assertive initiatives not guesswork.

My book, Assertive Initiative, emphasises the supremacy of light in overcoming darkness and in setting forth at dawn.

Many business leaders and entrepreneurs, instead of hitting the ground running in their chosen endeavour, are double-minded or lackadaisical at the onset unaware it sabotages greatness.

The AI mentality dismantles the spirit of happenstance and hazard guessing and encourages focus, fortitude to vision to finish strong.

Application of AI to enhance leadership skill

When at the cross roads of life, what most organisations, families and formations need is visionary and vocal leadership. Like a man of God once said, “when there is confusion in the pulpit there is chaos in the pews.”

The trouble with our generation is that too many live in an age of plurality where everyone is right and no one is wrong. The average 21st century individual has been taught to please everyone and offend no one. That is contrary to being assertive when initiating a task. Those who start strong end well, but those who begin – buckling at the knees – end up smitten cause they lack persuasion and conviction from the beginning of the journey.

The youths

I left Nigeria in 2003 for the UK. I moved to the US in 2005 after finishing my Masters degree at the University of London School of Tropical Medicine.

My journey was unique, against the grain and anti status quo but it got me to where I am today – an associate professor in my chosen field of Medicine in a top United States medical College.

I believe the lesson for the youth is -don’t pander to your peers and avoid the 21st century “seeker friendly” behavior, where people want to belong more than become and survive instead of thrive.

No man ever became great by repeating other people’s mistakes! Like I have said before, your sameness makes for the status quo, but it is your difference that makes for your distinction. So don’t be afraid to be different.

Aspiring entrepreneurs

To be assertive does not mean to be careless. It actually means to be laser focused on a goal till it is accomplished.

To be cautious, in today’s world, however represents trepidation, fear and reluctance which are antithetical to an assertive initiative spirit.

If caution means being careful, on the other hand and setting your co-ordinates before you set forth your sail then caution is advisable. Entrepreneurs must avoid acting in fear at all costs.

Fear boxes you in and limits your rising!

I believe nothing ventured, nothing gained! A life of adventure is the only life worth venturing into. Everything else is tantamount to status quo living.

The discoverer of the umbrella was stoned on the streets of London for distracting the horses in 18th century London and the man who pioneered laparaoscopic surgery globally was suspended from the German surgical society for using “unorthodox” means to operate on patients.

Don’t be afraid to take a risk if God gives you the go ahead. Don’t sit down threshing wheat in a wine press and bemoaning your fate. Instead, stir up your faith with right conversations and convictions and become great.

Decision-making, mentorship

Meditating and listening to right words and being in the right environments can stimulate better decision making.

Life is garbage in and garbage out. You are a reflection of the environment you keep and no man or woman can rise above their mentorship. Surround yourself with peers who broaden your vision and see yourself soar in decisive design making.

Assertive initiative breaks the mould and employs novel thinking in accomplishing a goal. In that respect, therefore, it dismantles clanish, parochial and feudalism methods to decision making.

My advise to young entrepreneurs is, don’t sit on the fence, entertaining double mindedness and dilly dallying. Rather, run with your vision.

Be confident, be bold, be assertive.

Practical tips for business executives

As an executive myself, who leads multi million naira organizations (including Faith and Power ministries and Sam Momah Foundation), I would be remiss to think my knowledge and philosophy alone have gotten me where I am.

Part of being an assertive leader with initiative is never being blindsided. You are always ready to make a counter decision against the norms and tides that sweep others away.

The famous American Investor, Warren Buffet, once said to “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” because a downturn for others could signal an upturn for you if you stay assertive to your convictions from the onset.

Technology innovation

The reality is Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is here to stay. Voice activation and face recognition gadgets will soon be common place in the world.

In medicine, A.I led reading of mammograms are currently the expected norm and may eliminate the need for breast sonographers in 24 years.

Robotics are currently standard In medical facilities in the US and are based on the premise of precision, reduced healing and admission time and fewer complications.

All this, coupled with the advent of the flying car, showcase the 21st century as the century of advancement in technology. We, in Africa, must embrace it or be eliminated.

Assertiveness to foster innovation and creativity

The secret to long standing and literally immutable projects or companies are strong foundations founded on assertive initiatives not guesswork.

It took Leonardo Da Vinci about 25 years to finish the sculpture of David he saw in a wasted corner while visiting the basilica in Florence but it started with an assertive initiative.

AI on investment option

There is only one proof investment technique and that is Light.

Even in unstable climes, God will give one direction and conviction that guarantees prosperity.

The fallout of this unfortunately is that many people become gullible lackeys or pawns in the hands of sophisticated and prized leaders, who they depend on for guidance.

The role of assertive initiative in business operations cannot be over emphasised, given its capacity to boost entrepreneurs and other forms of businesses to maximise profit which invariably translate to national development.